Frequently asked questions


What makes ShineCannon products unique?

ShineCannon products are designed with efficiency and effectiveness in mind, featuring ergonomic designs and premium materials for the best detailing experience.

Can ShineCannon products be used on any type of vehicle?

Yes, our products are versatile and safe for use on all types of vehicles, from cars and motorcycles to boats and RVs.

Are ShineCannon towels and mitts machine washable?

Absolutely, our microfiber towels and wash mitts are 100% machine washable, ensuring easy maintenance and longevity.

Do I need a pressure washer to use the ShineCannon foam sprayer?

No, our foam sprayer is a hand pump model designed for use without a pressure washer, making it convenient and accessible for everyone.

How can I get the best results with ShineCannon car wash shampoo?

  • For optimal results, use our car wash shampoo with the ShineCannon foam sprayer or wash mitt, and follow with a thorough rinse and dry for a spotless finish.